The main objective of the project is to support the use of virtual reality technology in education in primary and secondary partner schools, in humanities and science subjects. The main objective of the project will be achieved through the creation of methodological materials to support teachers, which will consist of:
- A manual for the use of virtual reality in the work of teachers of humanities and science subjects in primary and secondary schools.
- A set of methodological materials for specific humanities subjects, including methodology for specific lessons and worksheets for them, to be tested with students of the appropriate age.
- A set of methodological materials for specific science subjects, including methodology for specific lessons and worksheets, to be tested with age-appropriate pupils.
- Creation of a publicly available database of aids composed of the above sets broken down by topic and age of learners.
- The above objectives and outputs are directly related to the main priorities of the program, which are
Support for educators (the project will create support for educators in the implementation of virtual reality technology, in particular, methodological support materials and tools will be created).
Support for the development of key competencies and, in particular, support for competencies in digital technologies. The project contributes directly to the development of these areas by targeting the use of new technologies that bring possibilities for students and teachers in education
Project partners:
Hello primary and secondary school Ostrava, Czech Republic
Elpis Association, Västerås, Sweden